Sunday, 26 April 2009


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and vonventions of ral media products?

After researching through a range of different music magazines i decided to go with a hip hop magazine called Old Skool. I looked at many rap magazines on the internet and studied how i could make my magazine look like the top ones. i also looked at alot of double page spreads to get a general feel of how the articles were written and how the overall page looked. I then put these ideas together to form my own layout and started to form my magazine and my double page spread.
I have 2 photos on my double page spread bothg where the artist is looking directly at the camera but is a rough urban background to incinuate wre he is from . This is an idea i used from one of the magazines i looked at.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine highlights the Rap genre similar to the ideology of the rap magazines i have looked at. Specifically in my article it highlights how people can come from a bad background and achieve big things, and how its happens alot in the Rap Industry these ideas can be represented through the music industry.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience I originally chose was older maturer teenagers both male and female who are interested in rap music. I kept my target just matur teenagers because i feel they understand the lyrics and the storys behind some rap songs i also chose this because my magazine could contain taboo language. I feel now however that adults may be interested in my magazine as they could have grown up around rap groups like Run dmc and the NWA, this is why i named my magazine - 'Old Skool' which stands out and gives a general idea that the magazine promotes old school genres that mature teenagers and adults can understand. the magazine has rap music from around the world. I used specific styles, features, text size, fonts, design and graphics to attract my audience, my front page has bright colours and a big photo of the feature artist in the magazine.

What have you learnt about technologies from the procre of constructing this product?

I certainly feel I have made process since my first task, picking up skills and ideas on certain programmes.

My preliminary task is very simple, I didn't use photoshop of other complex programs to make it, I didn't do as much research as I recently did for my final task and I only did one draft. I feel I have learnt to produce initial drafts so that i can see how my magazine would have improved, do a lot of research and try out a range of different ideas. The programmes I can now use confidentally are Publisher, Paint and Photoshop. I have learnt how to blend graphics together, how to use different font effects and many other skills.

This is my final design for my two page spread i have combined two pictures both in an urban scene as if they were from a rough background and rising to the top.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Foundation portfolio- Main task

The foundation portfolio main task involves producing a front page, a contents page and a 2 page mock up of a music magazine. I will use the acronym LIIAR to talk about the key concepts of the music magazine.

Language- The language i will use will be simple, fun and entertaining and appealing to those who are interested in music magazines and the music industry.

Ideology - The purpose of my music magazine will be to inform and entertain my target audience. I will do this by setting out my articles about new and exciting music and events and when they are going to happen. Iwill also include new albums and recently released songs and information on how to download them or buy them. I will also try to promote the music genre which i have decided to base my music magazine on.

Institution- A music magazine publisher such as NME or Q.

Audience- My audience will target those who are interested in music, and who are interested in the genre which i will choose.

Representation- This all depends on the music genre the magazine has chosen to represent. For example ,Platform promotes british hip hop like sway and black twang where as NME caters for a varid range of music genres. Whereas Platform would chose to represent a band member on the front cover, NME would rather opt to put a number of bands orjust focus on one band. NME has also chosen to represent the news side of music and aftera succesfull ten years NME has earned a reputation as one of the worlds best in providing music news for the world and music fans everywhere.

Friday, 9 January 2009

college magazine

This is the front cover of my magazine, i have tried to focus on the maintsk at hand i have tried to emphsise the story and have made the photo the main point of the magazine with the story revolving around it .

Evaluation of my preliminary draft

In your blog evaluation the following questions must beanswered about your final piece of work:• In what ways does your Media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions ofreal media products?• How does your Media product representparticular social groupsMy magazine represents a sport group, by attracting the reader to a picture of the england rugby team, also by sporting headlines.• What kind of Media institution might distributeyour media product and why?• Who would be the audience for your Mediaproduct?The audience for my magazine is people interested in sport, people who would like to be interested in sport or people who are trying to learn about sport.• How did you attract/address your audience?I attracted my audience by have a big title, which is called New Generation, this relates to young people as we are the next generation of people, also i used bold titles and used strong sub headings.• What have you learnt about technologies fromthe process of constructing this product?• Looking back at the preliminary task, what doyou feel you have learnt in the progressionfrom it to the full product?I feel that i have learned how to use photo shop, useing title to attract my reader, and the use of photos which is related to my magazine